It’s easy to brainstorm a long list of things you can associate instantly with the USA. Easy peasy…
Washington, D.C., the White House, NYC, the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, the Wild West, the Great Depression, Lend-Lease, the first man on the moon, the Space Shuttle, Coke and Pepsi, McDonald’s, Hollywood and Disney, Microsoft, iPhone, Google, Facebook… I could go on for ages, as I’m sure you could….
But one thing I never associated with the U S of A is volcanoes. However, it turns out there are quite a few here – and rather impressive they are too. They’re on the West Coast – in Washington state, up next to Canada.
For those who might not yet know, I’m a big fan of volcanism (see my tales, pics and vids from Kamchatka, New Zealand, Santorini, Mount Etna, Pico de Orizaba and so on).
And I can now add a plus-2 to my collection of been-to volcanism – with these two gems:
1) Mount Rainier (Indian name – Tahoma);
2) Mount St. Helens (Indian name – Louwala-Clough).
More: Stateside volcanism…