Monthly Archives: December 2023

My 2023 review: spreading our wings, full-speed ahead, and forever on the up and up!…

Once again, we’re nearing the end of a year: our planet Earth is completing its yearly cycle around the sun (and that’s a little under a billion kilometers, btw (I’ve just looked that up on the internet). But the main thing for us now is finishing off this year of 2023 as merrily as we possibly can – while looking forward to a positive, confident 2024. But there’s just one last thing I must do before midnight on New Year’s Eve, and that’s come up with my review-report on the outgoing year…

So what’s been most important of all during 2023? I think that that, for sure, has to be our continued ability not only to withstand the ongoing geopolitical s***storm we’ve no control over – but to up our skills and adeptness in conducting global business in spite of it. Oh yes!

But it wasn’t all work, work, work. There were also plenty of tourisms for me personally throughout the year, which I’ll surely get to in this review. But for now – just a photo to set the (positive) tone: of Mount Rinjani, Indonesia, at dawn, with the shadow of a perfect-cone volcano on the horizon behind it:

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  • Beijing
  • Beijing
  • Beijing

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China-2023: Langshan, pt. 3 – rock camels and candles.

Langshan – pt. 1: done.
Langshan – pt. 2: done.
Langshan – pt. 3: coming right up here today (and all the Langshans in a single day!)…

And it’s called… Camel Peak Scenic Spot. Hmmm – I wonder where they got the name from? ->

…Actually, if you think that’s a camel’s hump – you’re wrong; it’s the camel’s… tail. Confused? You’re not the only ones! And here’s the camel from the side; still befuddled?! ->

In short – lost in (cultural) translation, I think. Whatever. Camel’s the name and that’s that. Get over it!…

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China-2023: Mount Langshan. Squeeze through – if you can!

The final installment of our China-2023 vacation was a visit to Mount Langshanhere. Spoiler: it’s a beaut! ->

…But of course it was: we were in good hands – Chinese natives who know their way around the country’s greatest hits ).

Langshan is not as popular for tourists as the other sites we visited, meaning there were fewer tourists around [+1 (+)ve], but the tourist infrastructure is as a result somewhat less developed [+1 (-)ve]. The location is still a great one for spending two days walking up and around mountains. In all here there are four main must-see places of interest, + one river which must be experienced on a traditional Chinese raft. Five musts in two days? Ok then: best get going!…

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The sacred Mount Fanjing and its impossibly-perched Buddhist temple(s).

Next on our touristic itinerary was Mount Fanjing, aka, Fanjingshan, which requires a whole day to fully check out – from early morning till evening. Mount Fanjing is a somewhat quirky place – but one that’s sacred in China by different religions: a huge upstanding double-headed rocky outcrop – on the peak of which stand two Buddhist temples and a small footbridge between them:

A breathtaking spectacle – even in so-so weather:

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China-2023: in praise of Chinese highways.

Chinese roads are simply the best. What’s more, they’re often anything but simple constructions, and almost always come with the most wonderful views to be had therefrom in all directions – simply looking out the window of your moving vehicle is wonderfully meditatively awesome. Here, for example, is a masterpiece highlighting perfect integration of a highway and its natural surroundings:

I mean – they’re the best on literally all levels:

  • Road surfaces – great!
  • Signs – great!
  • Bridges – great!
  • Tunnels – great!
  • Views – great!
  • Roadworks/repairs – great!

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China-2023: Tianmen Mountain (through the fog).

After our intensive two days checking out Wulingyuan’s rockinesses, it was time for our next touristic location; namely: Tianmen Mountain, not far from the city of Zhangjiajie (try pronouncing that after a few beers:).

And so – Tianmen Mountain, aka – 天门山, aka – Heaven’s Gate Mountain. First we got ourselves over to the mentioned Zhangjiajie (which isn’t all that far from Wulingyuan), and checked into our hotel. The hotel had been chosen strategically, for it’s right opposite where we needed to be to get transported to Tianmen Mountain – the base station of the cable-car. Here’s the view thereof from my hotel window:

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