The 12 most beautiful places in the world. No.12: Red… dunes.

Number 12 out of 12, already?!

You’ve had granite mountains, the world’s most voluptuous volcano, the most gorgeous glacier, the most wonderful waterfalls, and the coolest cliffs. You’ve also had quite a lot of redness already: red arches, and a huge red rock. Well here’s some more redness for you: red dunes!

#12. Dunes of the Namib desert, Namibia, Africa.

Enormous dunes of reddish sand, in places more than 300 meters high; vast open spaces, astounding scenery. Clouds give the dunes a special shade-spotty look:

The bright sun and the shade: the contrasts are simply fantastic:

The dunes cover hundreds of square kilometers throughout the Namib desert. When you climb to the top of a dune you can sit and meditate on the Martian scenes – as unpeopled as on the planet, I add) – for an eternity.

And the view from above:

More striking, uniquely Namibian contrasts: ‘dead trees on red-dune backdrop’. Sounds like a work of modern kunst. Looks like a work of modern kunst ).

When the wind gets up, the sand starts to ‘dance’; yet another extraordinarily amazing sight to behold:

As is often the case with must-sees like this, best viewed at dawn or at dusk – preferably both. However, be warned: you need to book a lodge inside the desert territory well in advance.

And that brings my Top-12 Most Beautiful Places on the Planet to a close folks! I hope you liked them. And I hope you’ll get to at least some of these places yourself one day. Good luck, happy travels, and bon voyage!…

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