St. Petersburg from its canals at night – a multicolor delight.

Our working week up in St. Petersburg was finally coming to a close – and we decided we needed to finish it in suitable style. And when in the northern capital, that can mean only one thing: nighttime river-and-canal cruise! But of course: they don’t call it Venice of the North for nothing, you know )…

Sure, we’ve done it before – plenty. But of course we have. You can never have too many nighttime canal experiences here. And anyway – each time the colors and scenes in general are always slightly different; accordingly, out came the camera for much clackety-click, and – bonus! – the pics turned out to be much better than in previous years!…

Liking the colors and contrasts? And it’s only going to get better, for soon there’ll be white nights too!…

The skinniest sliver of moon you can possibly get, surely?! ->

Skinny bridges, skinny towers…

Yes, yes – I know the internet is full of pics similar to these ones, but I couldn’t resist taking my own – if only to add to the internet entropy! ->

Here’s something new; haven’t seen it before…

The illuminated buildings become all the brighter the darker it gets ->

Up goes the bridge:

The river gets busy with boats before the bridge goes up:

And that’s all from St. Pete folks. It was time to head back to Moscow for some office-based work; but not for long…

The rest of the photos from St. Petersburg are here.

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