Our 12th industrial cybersecurity conference in velvet-season* Sochi.

Hi all!

As per my chokka, ongoing business-trip schedule, I recently found myself down in Sochi where we had our 12th conference dedicated to industrial cybersecurity. Every year the industrial topic gets all the more popular, while our exhibition gets all the more large. Nearly 450 guests were in attendance this time – meaning we wouldn’t have all fitted into last year’s venue; accordingly, the view out the window was a little different to the usual one:

I kicked things off to a packed hall (just how I like it) ->

The exhibition hall had also gotten bigger: nthis year with 20 companies taking part (23 stands in total) ->

It was in this hall we introduced the beta version of our new product – our next-generation firewall (NGFW) – yet further confirmation (if you needed it) that we’re no longer just a software company (with this new slick-looking hardware being added to our collection – joining our SD-WAN kit and the products of our subsidiary Aprotech) ->

A few specs of our NGFW:

  • 20Gbps
  • 4000 apps identifiable in network traffic
  • 6000 rules for detecting malware in a network
  • More than 20,000 rules for managing a client-company’s network
  • Full integration with our B2B products
  • 11kg!

The conference is also becoming all the more international: we had guests from former Soviet republics, from Latin America, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia – eight countries in total.

Everyone in the field understands how important it is to develop knowledge and expert approaches, and to use the best security technologies for existing industrial systems. And up-and-coming systems should be created fundamentally unhackable – based on the principles of constructive security or security-by-design. And we know how to do all that, of course!

Since the dawn of the internet, we clearly understood that we’d have to protect industry and critical infrastructure. A far back as that, we started digging around – laying the early groundwork toward creating our own secure OS. In the 2000s, awareness of both industry and critical infrastructure’s vulnerability was increasing – but only slowly; there were just hypothetical scenarios and Hollywood fantasies until, alas, reality struck: first there was Stuxnet, and after it came more and more of the same/similar. Today we see a great many cyber incidents taking place involving industrial automation systems and physical equipment. As a result, the topic of industrial cybersecurity is a real hot one. And that’s why this here conference/exhibition dedicated to industrial/infrastructural cybersecurity is going from strength to strength from year to year!…

Come evening – a lovely sunset and a walk along the shore:

And a bit later – party!

And that was that – Sochi-September-2024: a roaring success )


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