Our 27th birthday bash – pt. 1: the (day-before) Rehearsals Must Go On!…

Hi folks!

Early July for us every year gives us something very special to celebrate here at K: our corporate birthday! For several years already we’ve held our all-day birthday party in Zavidovo out in the Moscow Region (here) (since it’s perhaps the only venue that can fit us all in). This year, suddenly – we’re 27 years old already, and to celebrate, we had more than 3300 guests attend the bash!…

In case you’re new to this here blog of mine, here are some posts on how things have gone down birthday-wise in recent years – 2023, 2022, 2021, and so on.

In today’s post – photos from the day before the shindig: a day of rehearsals and other preparations…

The main stage was up, everything so far going to plan ->

Rehearsals in full swing…

Meanwhile, the skies were becoming all the more ominous…

In one direction – fluffy-cloudy but calm, with a nice sunset ->

In the other – highly suspicious skies ->

Rehearsing dancers and other performers took shelter anywhere they could nearby ->

…But they needn’t have: the thunder and lightning passed us by ->

The rehearsals therefore continued…

But we spoke too soon: minutes later: heavy rain! ->

At least it was just rainfall (brief too) – and not a hurricane or some other climatic calamity. Still – the dark clouds persisted in staying stubbornly parked on the horizon ->

The rehearsals were restarted. All the folks you see here, btw, are K-folks: yes, we’re a creative lot!…

I’ve heard of changeable weather, but this was off-the-scale changeable. Again the rain started, halting the rehearsals once again…

The big question of course was: “Is it going to rain (on our parade) tomorrow?” The forecast said it would, but we were still hoping for the best anyway, naturally, everything crossed…

Meanwhile our performers moved the rehearsals indoors…

While some rehearse, others kick back..

“If you can’t beat them her, join them her!”

Meanwhile, how were things outside? Not great: the wind had blown the roof off the main stage! ->

The rehearsals inside continued (“the roof can be replaced – no bother,” I overheard:) ->

And that was that: final rehearsals completed. All set for the big day tomorrow…

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