Foggy London.

Phew. That was a tough two days in the UK capital. Herewith, a few words and a lot of pics of those two days…

It was two days of rising at the crack of dawn and getting to bed late. Three conferences + three speeches thereat + lots of meetings + lots of interviews + lots of traffic jams + lots of walking (to avoid the traffic jams) + nothing else! I mean – nothing non-work interesting or touristic. Boo. Still, did manage to take a few snaps over the two days:

A murky Thames:

A plane coming in to land at London City Airport:

Working like a dog:

I said there’s was nothing non-work and interesting, but I’d forgotten about this little gem…

My hotel room. For sure it was a ‘room with a view’:




Closer still…


Let’s go out onto the patio… Whoah!


‘Room with a view’? Yeah right!


They said my room was ‘deluxe’ or some such. I wonder what the standard rooms are like :).

That’s it for today folks. Told you it was going to be short. Well, the weather’s typically British, so best not hang around. Time to get back home (where the weather’s typically British at the mo; eek!). Back tomorrow folks!…

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