Hotel Peacock.


One more report from the Nordic front

While we were in Copenhagen it turned out several conferences – maybe also exhibitions – were taking place simultaneously in the city. So I guess it was only logical that practically all the hotels were full, having been fully booked up months ago. So we had to be fitted in ‘somewhere, anywhere… main thing – the place has a roof’.

I braced for the worst, but needn’t have, for the only hotel my good offices found that had a few vacancies was the Nimb Hotel. As that Wiki-link tells you, hardly a dosshouse :). Also, incredibly handily, it was a mere five minutes’ walk to the conference hall where I was speaking. There’s just one problem: peacocks! Screaming their little heads off – right under our windows!


The view from my window. Not bad at all. Recommend.

And the view from outside ain’t bad either…

Whoah! For the first time ever I got myself a sighting of peacock chicks. You ever seen any? You have now…

The Nimb Hotel is situated in the grounds of Tivoli Gardens, the ‘famous amusement park and pleasure garden’; that’s how come there are peacocks roaming about.


That there white contraption on wheels is an rabbit-robot that cuts the lawn! No, not AI. Hardly intelligent at all. Still useful mind…).


Back in my room, I notice how the robot-rabbit is now shooing the peacocks away. Good job too; what a racket!


All right folks, that’s all I want to share with you today I think. But I’ll be back tomorrow… with more Scandi tales and pics…

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