Have an Ice day!

All right folks, now for glacial Iceland

Now, Iceland’s glaciers aren’t the biggest in the world, but all the same, the grand glacial vistas, the glacial lakes with icebergs, and the phenomenon of natural might… in sum it’s all fairly spellbinding.

We checked out two glaciers while on the island. First up: Langjökull (here).

It was here I had a go on a snowmobile for the first time! Have to say, I was expecting an easy, comfortable glide across the snow… Turns out snowmobiling at 50+ km/h on wet and powdery snow – neither comfortable nor easy.

There are two highland tracks in Langjökull, but we used none of them. We drove snowmobiles!There are two highland tracks in Langjökull, but we used none of them. We drove snowmobiles!

We snowmobiled past a curious touristic feature that looked like it was worth the visit; it was: an ice tunnel and caves inside a glacier. It reminded me of the Permafrost Kingdom underground caves in Yakutia – including the vodka shots on your way in and out.

Yes, this is a man–made ice caveYes, this is a man–made ice cave

You can learn if it really worthy going there by ready reviews on Trip AdvisorYou can work out if it really is worth going in there by checking out reviews on Trip Advisor

Next up – Vatnajökull.

Here we checked out its two glacial lakes: Jökulsárlón and FjallsárlónHere.

The former lake emerges as a ‘tongue’ from the outlet glacier called Breiðamerkurjökull that emerges from Vatnajökull.

Vatnajökull glacier, Iceland

Around the lake are seagulls’ nesting grounds. Best not get too close to them; they can get rather aggressive:

Vatnajökull glacier, Iceland

Vatnajökull glacier, Iceland


The second lake is little simpler, but nevertheless still impresses:

Fjallsárlón glacier lake, Iceland

All right folks, that’s all for today. But I’ll be back with two more tales from the Icelandic side shortly…

I'm off!...I’m off!…

All the Iceland pics are here.

Comments 2 Leave a note

    Richard Parker

    Nice photo of the seagull (?) landing on your head.

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