Three’s a crowd in Munich museums during Oktoberfest.

Hallo folks!

Munich has lots of excellent museums. But when’s the best time of year to go check them out? Turns out: late September/early October. Why? Because that’s when Oktoberfest takes place! Yes, while practically the whole population of the city and surrounding areas, plus millions of tourists from around the world are at the city’s famous Volkfest (the largest Volkfest in the world, no less), the museums are practically empty! Yeh! It’s like having a whole museum to yourself. Weh!

The first museum we checked out was the Pinakothek der Moderne. And just look at all the crowds we had to elbow our way through:

Here’s the lengthy line for entry tickets:

What’s the great thing about modern art? It’s real simple and comfortable arguing over it! Take this modern-kunst installation, for example. Each sees it in their own way – or doesn’t ).

Or what about these here dots? I observed, I scrutinized, I… gave up. Nope – this particular absurdity abstraction didn’t do it for me. But it may for someone else.

All the same, strolling around the empty rooms featuring this eclectic selection of strange works of art was very pleasant and satisfying.

Hmmm – these look like Dali’s:

Yes – for sure!

For some reason I liked these birds. Again, arguments over the merits of the exhibits here could go on forever. ‘Labyrinths of the mind’ – that’s how my brain was attempting to make sense of this place as we were on our kunst walkabout.

The whole experience was enhanced, to be sure, by the conspicuous absence of other folks. Literally (besides the odd museum attendant), we saw just a few lone tourists during our whole time in the building. Incredible!

Woah – a throng of tourists; turned out – from China:

A yellow rectangle of ~sand on the floor. Don’t ask. I didn’t ).

For this next installation, they gave 500 Japanese steelworkers a bar of chocolate, asked them to eat it, and then – still high, perhaps, on the endorphin rush – asked them to make a small figure out of it!

Neo Rauch – interesting! Hadn’t heard of him before, but das ist gut!

The more contemporary artists seemed to me the most interesting:

Alas, the museum isn’t all that big. In just an hour-and-a-half you can see everything at a very relaxed pace. Still, maybe that’s good: nothing worse than not having the time to see everything in a mammoth museum…

Even the lift here is of a modern design – and with no roof!

Assorted designer-kunst:

Das auto kunst:

Hubcap selfie of me with crutches:

All right; that’s all for today folks. Don’t want to over-fatigue you, dear readers, with all this modern kunst!…

The rest of the photos from Pinakothek der Moderne are here.

Back soon folks, with more – yet very different – culture from Munich!

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