Astonishing China: the first photos from our China-2024 trip.

Regular readers of my tales-and-pics of my travels to far-flung countries (and some nearer to home) will recall that, usually, in the first half of October, colleagues & friends and I get ourselves over to China!…

So – why China? I’ve said why before. To recap: China is mega-rich in world-class world-beating historical and natural must-sees. You can’t check them all out in a single trip (like, say, the one last year); you can’t check them all out over two, three, four… trips. So – we just keep going back every year. Maybe one day we’ll have seen everything – but I somehow doubt it!

All righty. But – why early October? I’ve answered that before too. It’s because early October is real quiet – after the real busy and jam-packed-everywhere-touristy Golden Week national holiday, during which practically the whole country (the second most-populated on the planet, remember!) is on holiday – most of them inside the country!

And so here we are again. This time, moving from the south to the north, from Chengdu in Sichuan province to Xining, in Qinghai province. The itinerary is tight: breakfast normally at around 07:30 and dinner at 21:00; en route we check out the main highlights, driving 200-400km per day. Given the not-so-great roads in places, those hundreds of kilometers take ooooh so long. Still – some of the views: oh-my Guangyuan! ->

For now – just some intro pics for you, dear readers. Given the tight schedule, I’ve no time whatsoever to describe things in detail just yet (and my Kamchatka-2024 posts have only just begun!).

That’s all for now folks. Stay tuned for more tales from the Chinese side…

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