Our third Latin American office!

It was farewell to Cartagena, then 700km south and hello to… Bogotá – Colombia’s capital!

The last time I was here was in 2010, and due to a full business schedule back then there was no time left for a spot of tourism in the city. This time the schedule was just as full, but for good reason: we’ve just opened our third Latin-American office (in addition to those in Mexico City and São Paulo – taking the number of our overseas representative offices to over 30 (I’ve actually lost count!). So I was here in the Colombian capital for the official opening…

Latin America hasn’t been too seriously affected by the ongoing geopolitical storm, meaning users here have freedom of choice – freedom to choose the very best cyber-protection there is (and not have to settle for inferior alternatives as recommended by governments based on anything but quality). Accordingly, our business in the region is coming along just nicely, and we’ve got some great plans for the future here.

At present we’ve 30 employees in Colombia (sales, support, marketing), so, for now, our office is rather modest:

The view out the window:

The team hard at work:

All together now ->

Back at the hotel, I was drawn to these… ashtrays. Smoking has been prohibited indoors for ages, of course, yet still – ashtrays!?!

Normally ashtrays like these are filled with sand or fine stones. Here in Colombia…

:0)! ->

And that’s all from Bogotá folks, I’m afraid to say. And I’m afraid to say it since that means/meant no tourism – again! Never mind: will just have to get back here soon – when we’ve already moved into a bigger office )…

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